St John’s packed for half term Family Brass Concert

‘Great session for the kids.  What a large turnout.  Pitched perfectly to kids but enjoyable for all’ (Audience comment)

Some 80 children and adults packed St John’s on Thursday 15th February for a family concert given by the lower brass instruments, with a follow-on workshop and opportunity to explore the instruments. The Family brass concert, given by Jon Cranston and Gary Chong of Hampshire Music Service,  was originally meant to be a Brass trio featuring the three lower instruments (Euphonium, Trombone and Tuba) but alas, one of the players became unwell the evening before and what was to have been a trio became a duo  (Euphonium and Tuba). But what a glorious sound Jon and Gary made! With explanations and many opportunities to hear the different sounds and timbres of the instrument  - combined with laughter and humour – this was a great event.

All ages were welcomed plus many children took up the opportunity to have a go on specially provided brass instruments (plus ample separate mouth pieces to ensure  good hygiene).  This proved to be a very popular part of the whole event with children trying all the lower instruments  - plus some had a go on the organ too!

‘Me and my brother loved when you could come up and play on the instruments.’

‘The organ had a keyboard/piano for your feet!’


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