Audiences mesmerised by the beauty of Sonic Cradle and the weaving of music, sound, and light

‘Beautiful pure sound. Atmospheric and immersive. Loved the sounds of nature. Felt transported to another place.  It felt like a film score. Unique and evocative.’ (Audience comment)

Photo by Dennis Nye

Some 70 people came to St John’s on Saturday to experience one of the two performances of Sonic Cradle - Lullaby given by Manasamitra.  What an entrancing delight it was.

Sonic Cradle - Lullaby is an immersive music performance for family audiences and adults alike.  The first performance in the afternoon was specifically open to all ages including babies and toddlers. And the performance undoubtedly attracted a very diverse age range from c.6 weeks old upwards!

‘Absolutely amazing  - our daughters adored it.  Thank you for such a different experience.’

‘I can hear myoosic ‘(sic)

‘Thank you so much for an inspiringly beautiful hour with music I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing live before’.

 This was a delightful, moving, and therapeutic session with Supriya Nagarajan (Artistic Director and Singer), Duncan Chapman (Sound Artist), and  Neil Valentine (Viola).  Towards the end of the session, Supriya taught everyone a Tamil Lullaby including hand movements.  This was extremely well received

 I really enjoyed . . . .

‘The quiet mesmerising performance – beautiful haunting music’

‘Singing the Tamil lullaby using hand gestures’

‘What made it even more especial was to be able to speak to the musicians straight afterwards.’

In the evening performance, we were invited into a magical musical world, with a fusion of  evocative Indian melodies combined with luscious soundscapes and vibrant textures.  With light projections, using lumisonic software, creating vibrant, colourful, concentric circles dynamically linked to the vocal performance,  we felt transported to another place – somewhere other.

See this wonderful short video capturing the essence of the evening experience: FILM

 ‘A treat of music, sound & light in a wonderful setting. Great to hear the refurbished organ accompanying an oriental style magical musical event! A memorable evening.’

‘It was amazing. Wow – what a treat! I didn’t know how much I needed that, Beautiful.  Thank you! ‘

‘Wonderful venue for Sonic Cradle with the light show. Brilliant to see (and hear) the church being used like this.  Who knew the organ could blend so well with Indian music!’

The performance included poetry written  and performed by Dr Olu Taiwo which weaved in and across the sound and lightscapes creating  moments for quiet reflection.

‘Stunning evening. Combination of the music with wonderful and gentle subtle light effects was tremendous.  Loved the poetry and the reading of it too. All such good performers working so well and intuitively together. Beautiful.’

‘I absolutely loved it - every single aspect.  It all worked so well especially in a church and was a unique one off event, stunning.  

Photo by JBryant

The creative professional performing were:

  • Supriya Nagarajan (Artistic Director and Singer (Manasamitra)

  • Duncan Chapman (Sound Artist - Manasamitra)

  • Neil Valentine -  Viola

  • Lyndon Ford – Organ and Lighting

  • Libby Smith – Photography/Filming

  • Dr Olu Taiwo – Spoken Work – University of Winchester

Photo by JBryant

Photo by Dennis Nye



All join in with wonderful festive event with Grange Festival


Audience welcome inclusive approach to Richard McVeigh’s organ concert