Beautiful concert by Vox Lucis, with lute player, Sam Brown

Vox Lucis, outside St John’s!

“Wonderful concert; Vox Lucis excellent; Sam Brown superb.”

“A most beautiful blending of voices and the lute.”

 For this final formal concert as part of the St John’s Organ Restoration and Conservation Project and its education and community programme, Vox Lucis, in conjunction with renowned lutenist, Sam Brown, presented Renaissance Masterpieces - a concert of motets and songs.  With works by some of the most influential composers of the 15th and 16th centuries, including Dufay, Josquin, Palestrina, Tallis, Dowland, and Byrd, this was “very well presented with a  wonderful variety of music”.

Lutenist, Sam Brown

“The church lends itself to music – both voices and instruments”.

“A lovely collection of music.”

 Vox Lucis is a regular visiting choir to St John’s. Their previous concert in November 2022 acted as the very first concert of the series and launched the overall Organ Project.  They were joined, for this concert, by lutenist, Sam Brown.

 “The lutenist was amazing – such a delicate touch and the sound was so clear and carried well”.

“Lovely church and a good setting for this concert”.

“This is such a beautiful old church and well worth preserving”.


Atmospheric performance from improvising ensemble, Coastal Collective


New film produced about the heritage and key artefacts of St John’s