ORGAN Workshop for Perins School Year 7 pupils
‘My favourite part was to play the organ and listen to what sound it makes!’
The Organ Project has as one of its aims, the opportunity for a focused number of young people, to go to St Johns, to learn a little about the history of the organ, the mechanics behind it, and to sit and play and explore the way to works - ie to get up close with the organ, hands (and feet) on! This project worked with Perins Community School and its Head of Music, Mr Perry Ralls, to offer an initial workshop for a small group of interested students in Year 7, hopefully, to be followed for one or two enthusiastic young musicians (subject to ongoing interest) - by a short course of lessons on the Organ, all with local Organist and Teacher, John Purver.
The initial workshop planned to recruit students who felt enthusiastic about music and who were curious to know more.
On Tuesday 23rd January, a group of 8 students aged between 12 and 13 years, arrived at St John’s with Mr Ralls. During the session they learned about the Organ, gained an understanding of how it worked, looked at aspects of its mechanisms, listened to John playing some well-known pieces, and then, they all got to work with John to play the Organ too - and pull out all the stops!
Perins School is now working with St John’s on developing a more bespoke range of workshops and lessons for young people to continue their learning or take up some lessons with John the organist.