Delighted children attend Strings and Things family concert!

STRINGS AND THINGS! (11 am on 26 October 2023)

This delightful family concert by the Virtuosi String Trio  was much appreciated by some 66 children and adults (32 children (ages: 6 months to 15 years) and 34 adults)

This was a  free half term concert with a follow-on workshop and opportunity to explore the instruments. The Virtuosi String Trio (led by Organ Project Animateur, Neil Valentine, with his colleagues James (1st Violin) and Helen (Cello))  presented this concert of varied music of all things String!  Children and adults came to hear the instruments playing amazing melodies, rhythms, and songs in many styles – and to explore, join in, and be enchanted by their incredible sounds.  All ages were welcomed -  with the repertoire played including a Hungarian Dance (Brahms); Greensleeves; Bach; Beach Boys; Mozart , Bluey; Flight; Cancan; Hornpipe – and more!  There was foot tapping and clapping too!

The after-concert workshop when the children could try out the instruments was also a particular success.

I did not know that . . .  .

‘They are hollow (the instruments)’

‘The Cello could play such high notes’

‘You could get concerts in churches’

What was your favourite part:

‘All of it! I loved hearing them play and getting the opportunity to play the instrument.   It was wonderful  -thank you!  Great to have this on a weekday.’

‘My favourite part was playing the cello and hearing all of the music

‘Thank you  -  it was beautiful! Loved the addition of ‘Bluey’ theme in the concert and it was wonderful for my 3-year old to be able to attend the event as not many things run for 3 year olds.  Thanks again!’

‘My daughter’s smile while having a try at the violin!’


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