LULLABY: SONIC CRADLE - beautiful sound and light experience coming to St John’s

PRESS RELEASE (for immediate release)  

LULLABY: SONIC CRADLE performance to visit Northington for the first time

St John’s Church Northington is to host what will be an extraordinary, immersive music experience by arts organisation, Manasamitra, with their show, Lullaby: Sonic Cradle. Appearing in the Winchester Area for the first time,  Lullaby: Sonic Cradle is unique in its creative approach. There will be two relaxed and accessible performances on SATURDAY 18th NOVEMBER exploring the universal language of lullaby - one at 3 pm which is suitable for all ages, including parents with their babies - and one at 7 pm. There is something for everyone.

Lullaby - Sonic Cradle is an immersive music performance for family audiences and adults alike. Step into a magical musical world, fusing evocative Indian melodies with luscious soundscapes and vibrant textures. Drift away as you are taken to a place of wonder and imagination. With light projections, using lumisonic software, of vibrant, colourful, concentric circles dynamically linked to the vocal performance, this 45-minute show, in a relaxed and comfortable setting, gives audiences the space to unwind and interact with the piece in their own particular way.

Church Warden , Lord Mark Ashburton said, “This is a wonderful opportunity to experience something new while also enjoying the beautiful heritage building that is St John’s with its inspiring sculptures and wood carvings. We look forward to welcoming you”.

The performances of Lullaby - Sonic Cradle by Manasamitra form part of St John’s Organ Conservation and Restoration Project with its associated community programme. The overall project has been made possible by generous grants from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Hampshire and the Island Historic Churches Trust, the Leathersellers’ Company, and many individual donations.

 For details of Lullaby – Sonic Cradle (and other events) and eventbrite booking links: see  (£10 adults; £5 under 18s (NB pre-school children free for 3 pm family concert).

Book your tickets here now:

Do bring a cushion and/or a soft toy (or both!)

About Manasamitra

Manasamitra is a South Asian artist led company. Its ambitious work, rooted in classical Indian traditions, is inspired by an intercultural vision which merges the best musicianship, vocals, dance and storytelling from diverse cultures, into dynamic artistic collaborations. These collaborations respect and challenge the ideas, forms and aesthetics of each genre whilst producing performances representative of the artistically rich world we are privileged to inhabit.

For 12 years the company, fuelled by a desire to learn and create, has delivered a critically acclaimed back catalogue of work. This includes classical Carnatic concerts; individual, cross discipline artist collaborations; small ensemble productions; whole company/intercompany shows; and inter/national performances. Manasamitra is privileged to work with cross-genre artists of inter/national repute.

Lullaby: Sonic Cradle offers audiences a new, unique experience of Indian arts:



Supriya Nagarajan (Vocalist) is the Artistic Director of Manasamitra. Although her initial training was in South Indian classical music, over the last 20 years Supriya has sought out and collaborated with artists from other musical genres, fusing new musical vocabularies through improvisations which complement each other’s styles and visions; creating new frontiers through collaboration. She also works in the UK and international education and community sectors, developing projects, using music within a social context including work in India, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.

 Duncan Chapman (Soundscape and projections) is a Lincoln based Composer/Sound Artist who regularly works with leading music organisations in the UK including Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Spitalfields Music, Birmingham Contemporary music Group, hcmf, BBC London Sinofietta and Sound and Music. He is a leading exponent of work which involves composing and devising with groups which often results in sound installations, recordings and multi-media performances


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