Introducing Padmini Broomfield, our organ project evaluator

Padmini Broomfield has a background in the heritage sector supporting organisations to widen participation in cultural activities. After a wandering ‘portfolio career’ as an archaeologist, English language teacher and outreach librarian, she eventually found her niche in museums when she almost accidentally became an oral historian. After several years at Southampton Museums’ Oral History Unit, she is now a freelance consultant advising on, delivering and evaluating community engagement projects.

 Over the years she has been involved in various heritage projects – ranging from the SeaCity Museum development and the Heritage Fund supported Ford Transition community project, to evaluating activity programmes at Avenue St Andrews Church, Nottingham Trent University and Essex County Council. With her oral history hat on, she continues to document the lesser-known stories of people, places and working lives. Her interviews recording experiences of migration, manufacturing and marginalised communities have resulted in exhibitions, audio productions and publications. She is currently producing an Activity Plan for the Diving Museum redevelopment, recording focus groups for The Brickworks Museum and documenting oral histories of the Windrush generation and women footballers for Southampton Museums.


First concert launches our newly restored organ


Our restored Organ plays for the first time!