First concert launches our newly restored organ

‘A fantastic experience – a magnificent organ and organist’ (Comment by audience member). 

Sunday 25th June 2023 was a rather special day in the life of our 1890 Charles Martin organ! After 5 years of planning and fundraising and then, from January 2023,  4 months of detailed conservation and restorative work by JW Walker and Sons  - our selected Organ builders - our first inaugural concert to launch our newly restored heritage instrument took place on Sunday 25th June.   This was given by one of the country’s leading organists, Philip Berg MVO, Master of Music at the King’s Chapel of the Savoy.   What an exciting and dynamic event this was.

With a programme including works by Bach, Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Duruflé, Ad Wammes, this was a concert which explored a wide range of music, making varied demands on both organ and organist.  It was a tremendous event.

‘Great organ; great organist. Liked the choice of pieces’ (Comment by audience member). 

Our second inaugural event takes place on Sunday 9th July  - this time in a concert to be given by Claudia Grinnell, sub Organist at Winchester Cathedral (See What’s On for details).  With a programme including works by Bach, Buxtehude and Mendelssohn, this also promises to be a treat.  Do come!

‘I have heard this organ many times over the last 50 years!  I have never heard it sound so good’ (Comment by audience member).  


27th June 2023


Claudia Grinnell delights with the second inaugural concert on our newly restored organ


Introducing Padmini Broomfield, our organ project evaluator